Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is my second day of using my blog. I have just recently sold most of my belongings and moving from snow country to a huge city where the lows here are higher than our highs back home. It was a decision made by both me and one of my sons and my daughter-in-law. At times I have wondered if I made a good decision or not. I have multible sclerosis and it has come to a time when it is best to not live alone any longer. I really believe in the long run, when we get all of our kinks worked out that this will indeed be a good decision. This is a town that i was born in and left when i was 23...many years ago and swearing i would not return to this God-forsaken heat infested city. Well, here is proof that one should never say never! There are some real positives to this move. The first one is I get to be with most of my family. Besides living with one of my son's & daughter-in-law, I am about 30 minutes away from another one of my sons and another daughter-in-law and a beautiful granddaughter. Totally Awesome! Tonight I am hoping to go to my first A.A. meeting down here. Should be interesting. Since I have been gone so long from here I have no clue where anything is. I get lost taking a walk around our apartment...I don't look forward to getting out there and finding out where everything is coz I am sure I will get lost. After re reading what I have wrote down I find that I could be termed as passive-aggressive. Not sure if I want to do anymore blogging if I am going to find out things like that. Oh well I will continue to blog...it might be helpful. Well, I will close for now. I hope I get some comments on my blog. Thanks for reading this.


Anonymous said...

No way mom! Thats what bloggin is for! Thinking whatever the hell you want, typing whatever the hell you want, and not worrying about what anyone has to say about it. Keep on keepin on-love ya

TheMom said...

Thanks for the pep talk. I think I will continue to blog. I like it even though I might find something about me that I am not crazy about...that's one of the cool things about bloggin. I also enjoy reading other peoples blog. It also fills in some time when I am feeling a little lonely so I am going to keep it up. Thanks again, Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.